What is a bond? Why is it needed?
Voters within communities in the State of Michigan can authorize a local school district to borrow money for capital expenditures by selling bonds. Funds raised through the sale of bonds have restrictions and cannot be spent on operational expenses, school supplies, salaries or benefits. Voter-approved bond funds can be spent on additions, remodeling, new construction, athletic facilities, buses, furnishings, equipment, and technology.
Why are the Okemos Schools pursuing a bond now?
Needs exist across our district in technology, security, capital outlay, transportation and with our facilities, that, if funded through the passage of a bond, preserve the district’s general funds for student programming. Voters last approved a bond for the school district in 2013 and the previous bond funds are expended.
How will the bond impact student learning?
The bond would provide for the purchase of new “1 to 1” student learning devices and replacement of classroom technology like smartboards and projectors, and would allow for the purchase of flexible classroom furniture that promotes movement, active engagement and instructional differentiation. In addition, the bond would provide air conditioned learning environments across each of our facilities, bringing better equity to all of our students. Bond funds would also purchase musical instruments and athletic equipment and would provide many improvements to our learning facilities that directly impact our students.
Will the bond funds be used for safety and security?
Yes. Bond funds would be used to purchase additional electronic locks, cameras, as well as update radio communications, upgrade a police notification system, improve building public address systems, and place a protective barrier film on internal and external windows. Bond funds would also replace aging buses in our fleet and update fire alarm systems in buildings where older systems are present.
Why is the bond $24.9 million?
Two committees established by the superintendent and consisting of community members, parents, and staff, and the district’s leadership council worked to identify specific needs across our district. District needs were identified as level 1 – level 2 and level 3, with those at level 1 being identified as the district’s highest priority needs. The Board of Education approved the superintendent's recommendation that moved forward only the level 1, or highest priority, or needs of the district, totaling 24.9 million dollars.
If voters approve this ballot initiative, it would allow the district to meet needs through a bond, preserving the district’s general fund for student programming. -
Will this increase my taxes if approved by voters?
Okemos property owners currently have 7 mills levied, and will have 7 mills levied through 2021 regardless of the outcome of this bond proposal. If voters approve the bond proposal, Okemos property owners would continue to pay 7 mills for an additional three years and extend the term of the debt levy three years.
In other words, Okemos property owners would continue paying what they pay now - 7 mills -
How much is a mill?
A mill equates to approximately $1 per $1,000 of assessed taxable value. (Note: Assessed taxable value is not property value. See table below.) Okemos property owners currently pay 7 mills and would continue to pay 7 mills if the bond proposal passes.
Property Value Assessed Taxable Value Annual Millage
$400,000 $200,000 $1,400
$300,000 $150,000 $1,050
$200,000 $100,000 $ 700 -
The bond ballot language has in it a 3.28 mills levied. I thought this was an extension of our 7 mills...? Please explain!
If Okemos had no other outstanding debt, we would need to levy an average of 3.28 mills over 6 years to pay off the $24.9 million bond. However, we still have over two years of outstanding debt from previous bond proposals. To keep the rate consistent and predictable for our taxpayers, the 3.28 of additional debt is levied so the rate stays at 7 mills for an additional three years, while also extending the term of the debt for three additional years. (See the chart in the presentation blue- current debt, green - new debt levy.) In other words, the 7 mills is an extension of the current rate for a longer term, and 3.28 mills is NOT levied in addition to the 7 mills.
What if I still have questions?
If you have additional questions about the May 7, 2019 bond proposal for the Okemos Public Schools, please email us at bond@okemosk12.net
Also, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section in the Bond Proposal website.