The Okemos Public Schools has prioritized continuing the following key initiatives for the 2023-2024 school year:
- Communication & engagement
- Differentiation
- Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CR-PBIS)
In support of these initiatives, the District has identified the following goals:
- Building & sustaining relationships
- The diverse identities, abilities, and strengths of our school community are reflected in a system representative of, constructed by, and responsive to all of our stakeholders.
- Engaging in best practices for teaching and learning
- Data will be analyzed to reflect student learning, evaluate processes and practices, measure our impact, and inform our decisions on a path of continuous improvement.
- Fostering an inclusive culture and climate
- Each individual has access to, can meaningfully participate in, and make progress in high-quality learning expereicnes that result in empowerment and academic success.
These goals are aligned with the OPS Strategic Plan and Equity Plan.