• Here are some suggestions to help your child be as successful as he/she can be for the challenges of fourth grade.  There are many things that you as a parent can do to ensure that your child is prepared for school each day.

    1.)  Teach your child to be organized....

    School is their "job." Help them to develop a system to assume the responsibilites of making sure homework assignments are complete and materials are organized for return to school the next day.

    2.) Children need a good nights sleep....

     It is very important that your child come to school rested every day.  Establish an evening bedtime schedule for your child and stick to it. 

    3.) Develop a calm morning routine....

    Allow enough time for a healthy breakfast and a timely school arrival.  Have school bags checked the night before and kept in the same location. 

    4.)  Share your child's day.......

    Your reactions and attitudes will go a long way toward determining how your child feels about school, the teacher, and other students. 

    5.)  Read to and/or with your child every day....

    Kids who "practice' their reading do better than those who don't. 

    6.)  Build a "can do" attitude in your child .....

    When she/he tries something hard, praise the effort.  Help break a big project down into smaller tasks.  Then praise him/her as each step is completed.  The process is as important as the final product.